Destination Weddings: 6 original ideas for seating charts

While planning a wedding, you may find harder tasks than others, one of them is, seat assignment. We know the number of guests varies a lot in Destination Weddings, sometimes even one or two days before the wedding someone can … Continued

Beach Weddings: how much do they cost?

Beach Weddings have become a different but beautiful tradition; there´s no better way of celebrating a Destination Wedding than on a Beach destination. Most of the couples who are going to celebratr one of the most important days of their … Continued

Wedding Cake: The ideal for your Beach Wedding

At celebrating your Beach Wedding, is important to consider adding the Wedding Cake. Besides being a delicious and wonderul touch, represents the first meal that you would share, as Husband & Wife, same as the inconditional support that you will have … Continued

Beach Weddings: How to choose the ideal wedding dress

Beach Weddings have become the best option for a not ordinary wedding, enjoying the beauty of beaches and caribbean environment. Everything is ready for your Beach Wedding but don´t know yet which wedding dress is the ideal one? Do not … Continued